For individual investors
Centralize your alternative investments and better measure investment performance.
For family offices & groups
Elevate your private investment operations with a modern secure solution.
For advisors and intermediaries
Impress asset owners with streamlined private investment management and reporting.
For individual investors
Centralize your alternative investments and better measure investment performance.
For family offices & groups
Elevate your private investment operations with a modern secure solution.
For advisors and intermediaries
Impress asset owners with streamlined private investment management and reporting.
Charlottesville | NYC | Mexico City | Montevideo

Founded January 2018
64 Employees
En Crabi creemos que la industria de los seguros se desvió de su camino hace mucho tiempo. Por eso, creamos un seguro donde todo es mas simple y lo mas importante no es solo tu coche, sino también tu tranquilidad y paz mental.
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